Real Estate - New Home Sellers

Adults / Adult Education -

Getting ready to sell your home for the first time? Learn the key questions to ask and the steps you need to prepare you and your home. Join us to learn more about what your journey to sell your home can look like.  The following are the steps we will cover in your roadmap:

  • What does the market look like and how it affects the sale of your home
  • Preparing Your Home
    • Creating curb appeal
    • Staging With A Purpose
    • Upgrading With ROI in Mind
  • Marketing Your Home
    • Common Seller Mistakes
    • Learn From Other’s Mistakes
    • Finding Buyers
  • Negotiations
    • Power Negotiation
    • Do’s & Don’ts
    • Bargaining Chips
  • You’ve Got an Offer(s)
    • Buyer Financing
    • How do you choose
    • Counteroffers
  • Once the Contract is Signed
    • Contingencies
    • Appraisal
    • Closing

We'll wrap up with a question and answer session to meet your specific needs. The first 20 enrollments will recieve a book to help you through your sales process!

3187-032524 Closed

  Paula Quinn

Country Inn & Suites : Conference Room
Monday, Mar 25
5:30 - 7:00 PM


Ages   16 yr. - 119 yr.

Price: $ 5 00

Online registration is over